Patients in the Milford area can now enjoy the convenience of cardiovascular care performed by Reliant Medical Group physicians at Milford Regional Medical Center. A full complement of non-invasive and vascular testing is offered by our doctors including echocardiograms and stress testing with nuclear imaging. Many cardiology patients will be able to be assessed and treated entirely in Milford.
Patients who require interventional procedures such as cardiac catheterization and balloon angioplasty are treated by their own Reliant Medical Group cardiologist at Worcester Medical Center. By utilizing the dedicated resources of a local hospital and the Worcester Medical Center, Reliant Medical Group cardiologists can offer total continuity of care for Milford area patients.
Patients at Milford Regional Medical Center also benefit from round-the-clock, seven days a week emergency coverage by Reliant Medical Group cardiologists. By offering such a wide range of services, Reliant Medical Group is uniquely dedicated to providing Milford area patients the best in cardiovascular care.
Services Provided:
- 2-D Echocardiogram
- Stress (Treadmill) EKG
Any additional cardiac testing is referred to the Worcester location.