Left to right: Alison Machado, Awilda Amaning, Bill Chamberland, Cristina Bettinelli, Deb Erickson, Deb Walz, Denise Brochu, Eddie Reyes, Eddy Ostrenga, Janet Diaz, Jeff Benoit, Korey Sullivan, Lana Valjat, Lucy Nelson, Marie Bernard-Cook, Mei Su Wu, Melanie Hachigian, Paula Pearson, Roland Julian, Shari Cormier, Terri Racca, Tim Reilly
On Wednesday, June 19th, 2019, a group of 22 employees were acknowledged for their accomplishments and contributions to their department and to the organization.
Chief Human Resource Officer, Joe Ricciardi joined the recipients’ managers in presenting them with personalized awards during a special ceremony.
It is through the dedication and hard work of these folks that Reliant Medical Group continues to thrive and achieve its goals. Congratulations to all!
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