According to more than a few national studies, seniors are having a lot more sex than most people think. In fact, data from the University of Chicago’s National Social Life, Health and Aging project as reported in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that many men and women remain sexually active into their 70s and 80s. Many people even report that sexual satisfaction, instead of diminishing, can increase with age.
There’s no doubt that it can be a challenge for some people to have a quality sex life after they reach a certain age. However, almost anyone can improve their sex life with a little advice and guidance. So here are some tips to help you get more out of this important part of your life.
- Schedule some romantic time – setting away some time each week for romantic activities can lead to more intimacy and a more active sex life.
- Try a lubricant – many women over a certain age don’t produce enough natural moisture during sex. Using a water-based lubricant can easily solve that problem.
- Use protection – although seniors don’t have to worry about pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases can still be an issue. Unless you are in a committed monogamous relationship, you or your partner should use condoms to protect yourself.
- Sex toys can help – older couples often need more stimulation than when they were younger. Sex toys can assist in arousal and achieving orgasm.
- Communication is key – talking to your partner about what pleases you and what doesn’t can help you enjoy sex more. Don’t be shy about what you like!
- Keep your sense of humor – sharing a good laugh with your partner often paves the way for better intimacy.
- Get a prescription – if you (or your partner) are having erection problems, medications can help. Your doctor can advise which ones are most suitable for you.
Many seniors find that one of the best benefits of a good sex life is that it helps build a stronger overall bond with their partner. Don’t let our youth-obsessed culture fool you, lots of seniors know that sex can be great at any age.

About Karen Fleming, NP
A graduate of Framingham State College and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Karen Fleming has been involved in medicine for over 24 years and has been a Nurse Practitioner since 1995. Practicing in the department of Internal Medicine in Auburn, she works with a team of doctors and nurses helping patients with their urgent and chronic healthcare needs. She has enjoyed working in this role for over 12 years. One of the things Karen...
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Which one is the best medicine fox sex a person has no high blood pressure or diabetes
Hi Salim. You should consult your doctor before starting any new medicines.
Can’t hold erection long even with Viagra. Will a stronger dosage help? Or is there something I can take
Hi Harvey. Your primary care doctor will be able to help you determine dosage and help with treatment.
What do you do if your wife has no interest in sex and will not talk about it? This has been going on for 5 years, we are both mid 60’s age.
Dear Sad Hubby,
You and your wife may benefit from seeing a marital therapist who treats sexual problems or a sexual therapist. There are a number of therapies that can help this problem. Your primary care physician may be able to recommend a therapist to you. Good luck.