Category Archives: Pediatrics

Dec 8, 2021 / Pediatrics

Should I be Concerned About My Child’s Imaginary Friend?

By Mila Caraballo, DNP Reliant Medical Group Pediatrics Every parent knows that children often have vivid imaginations. But what if that imagination includes a friend that exists only in …

Oct 25, 2021 / Pediatrics

Keeping Your Kids Safe and Healthy This Halloween

By Matthew Waugh, MD Reliant Medical Group Pediatrics Fall is here and that means children will soon be enjoying one of our favorite holidays – Halloween. You can make …

Medical Mythbuster: When a Child’s Runny Nose Turns Green, That’s a Sign You Need Antibiotics

By Kia McCarthy, NP Reliant Medical Group Pediatrics Many parents mistakenly believe that their child’s green nasal mucous means there is a worsening infection present. In truth, most colds …

Aug 12, 2021 / Pediatrics

Preparing Your Children Emotionally for Returning to School

By Lloyd Fisher, MD Reliant Medical Group Pediatrics President, Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic has been particularly difficult for families with …

Jul 20, 2021 / Pediatrics

Pandemic Gives Rise to Eating Disorders Among Adolescents

According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, one unfortunate side effect of the pandemic has been an alarming rise in eating disorders among teenagers. Outpatient and …

Medical Mythbuster: Kids Younger than Four Can’t Learn to Swim

This is not true. While it’s possible for children as young as infants to learn to swim, the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends waiting until age one before …

Jun 2, 2021 / Pediatrics

Summer Road Trip? Make the Journey Half the Fun

We all remember those summer road trips from our youth, where we no doubt fidgeted in the back seat and probably annoyed our parents by asking “Are we there …

May 27, 2021 / Pediatrics

COVID-19 Vaccine Now Approved for Children Age 12 and Older

By Lloyd Fisher, MD Reliant Pediatrics After rigorous study, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children 12 years …

Apr 5, 2021 / Pediatrics

Know the Early Signs of Autism

By Jocelyne Durrenberger, DNP Department of Pediatrics  It’s not unusual for young children to experience delays in their development. Sometimes these development delays can be a sign of Autism …

Mar 18, 2021 / Pediatrics

Is it Time for Your Child to See the Doctor?

Your child’s annual well visit is an essential part of keeping them on the road to good health. By providing a comprehensive evaluation, monitoring your child’s growth and developmental …

Mar 1, 2021 / Pediatrics

Meeting the Challenges of Parenting During Covid-19

We recently spoke with Christine Stille, NP, a member of our Pediatrics Department at our Holden office, to learn more about what parents can do to help their children …

Nov 30, 2020 / Pediatrics

Helping Your Kids Cope with Stress from Covid-19

By Laura Ting, MD Department of Family Practice Reliant Medical Group Just like adults, many children are having trouble coping with the stress of the Covid-19 pandemic. Family life …

Help Keep Babies Safe this Flu Season!

By Dr. Alwyn Rapose Division of Infectious Diseases Transmitting a cold or the flu to babies as well as the elderly can be deadly in some cases. What’s more, …

Oct 29, 2019 / Pediatrics

Free-Range Parenting – Is it Right for Your Family?

If you are a parent, chances are you’ve heard of “free-range parenting.” Advocates of free-range parenting believe that independence is fostered in children when they are given greater autonomy …

Sep 30, 2019 / Pediatrics

Be Safe with School Backpacks – Key Tips to Lighten the Load!

These days it seems like the average schoolchild is carrying more things in their backpack than ever before.  Unfortunately, lugging around a too-heavy backpack from class to class can …

May 10, 2019 / Pediatrics

Does Your Child Need Juice?

By Jocelyn Durrenberger, NP Department of Pediatrics The evidence clearly says “no.” Even though I raised my three kids on water, juice and milk and my mother raised us …

Apr 20, 2019 / Pediatrics

Still Spanking Your Kids? Here’s Six Other Ways to Encourage Better Behavior

By Dr. David Gilchrist Department of Family Practice, Reliant Medical Group Fortunately, most parents understand that spanking isn’t the best way to discipline their children. Most experts believe that …

Six Ways to Promote Empathy in Children

By Helene Titelbaum, LICSW Pediatric Integrated Behavioral Health Clinician   There’s no doubt that we live in an increasingly self-centered age. Whether attention-seeking celebrities or friends and family addicted …

Oct 4, 2018 / Nutrition / Pediatrics

How to Make Healthier Choices When Eating Fast Food

No matter where you live, you’re probably not far from a fast food restaurant. While convenient for our on-the-go lifestyles, many fast food offerings  are not beneficial to our …

Medical Minute: Preparing Your Child for School

We spoke with Dr. William Horgan at our Milford Pediatrics office about how to prepare your child for school, and for kindergarten in particular. Dr. Horgan is welcoming new …

Jul 5, 2018 / Pediatrics

Play Hard, Play Safe

Children love to play! Playgrounds can be fun, exciting, creative places to play.  Every pediatrician, however, has treated children who have been hurt at their local playground. Following the …

May 22, 2018 / Pediatrics

Baby-Led Weaning Gains in Popularity

It’s a classic image that most of us are familiar with – a parent spoon-feeding some baby food to a child in a highchair. However, for some families that …


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